
Showing posts from September, 2013

Top History Books in my Library

As a graduate student of History you can imagine I have read my fair share of books over the years. What makes these books among the few favorites in my library is certainly within the stories they tell, the effect and timing of when I read them and my inability to later sell them, but indeed hold on to all them despite the financial pains of book buying and selling in college. Here are just a few that are my favorite or rather that I am rather fond of: My favorite classical history book is none other than The Rise of Rome-Books 1-5 , by Livy. Livy delivers a history of Rome early beginnings, starting with the horrible conception of Romulus and Remus and takes the reader through to the Gaul’s sacking of Rome in 390 B.C. This is a thorough book yet the information is given to you quickly and precisely. I read this book in my junior year of undergraduate in a brief ten week course on Roman History and I loved this book.

A Rambling Mama: A Proportional Response

A Rambling Mama: A Proportional Response : Today our, United States Representatives, are discussing what ought to be done about Syria. Obviously President Obama has chosen to take th...

Response to Putin: Ramifications are Necessary

In the past few weeks there have been strong opinions coming at home and abroad towards the United States proposition to react in a direct military strike on Syria for its use of Chemical warfare on its own citizens. Perhaps, the most inflammatory remarks from abroad are the words of Russia’s President Vladimir Putin’s New York Times Op-ed. ( ).  In the article Putin outlines his opinions clearly though without any clear confirmation. Nonetheless, the article brings to life what many foreign nationalist are saying about the United States in less bold manner as submission in an American Newspaper.             In the article Putin states that the world should choose inaction as their reaction to acts against humanity, why? Because Putin fears the US going at it alone will essential be imposing an American decision on the rest of the ...

A Proportional Response

Today our, United States Representatives, are discussing what ought to be done about Syria. Obviously President Obama has chosen to take the high road and give the people a voice through their representatives, but in doing so the ignorance of people seems to come out. It is important that all citizens of our country have an opinion, but it may be to much to ask that they be well-informed. People have taken to social media to note their outrage and disappointment with the President and his plan for action against Syria seemingly without all the facts in check. Though it may not have the same magnitude it once held, thank you President Bush, but United States Intelligence has demonstrated that Chemical Weapons were used on innocent civilians as a retaliatory strike against a region that sprung an assassination attempt against Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad. This included over four hundred people including women and children. As the images of the deadly attacks spread across the...

Michael Reagan Misses the Point on 'The Butler'

Lee Daniels' The Butler was greeted by Hollywood and America as a remarkable film about a man who rose from the bottom to the pinnacle of what the American Dream is suppose to look like. Lee Daniels' presents a man to his audience that resonates with much of America, a man who struggled, as many Black American's continue to struggle, in a world that is still dominated in many ways by the race that once held their own captive and still some how Cecil Gaines made his way off the plantation and into the status of a working middle class family man. If one could only stop to realize the significance of this film and story they would understand that it is simply more than a story based on the life of a real White House Butler. This story is not just about the character or the person, it is about every Black man, women and child that came out of the attrition of the early 20th century Black poverty and became someone. This is the story of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Dreams beco...