Every Vote Matters

While I am sad that Bernie's campaign is all but over, I need others to realize that we still have a fight left to pursue. That fight is for the White House, this struggle is for the dignity of that office, and this battle is against a racist bigot that refuses reason and spouts sarcasm with as much tact as a second grader. Donald Trump is the epitome of bad choices for the Presidency of the United States. People that are for Trump say, "Oh he's just telling it how it is."

These are the same people that think Political Correctness is an overreactive appeasement, when in reality being politically correct is perhaps the most civilized method of tact. Being respectful of others is not the law of our land, but morally it is the right thing to do. Making others uncomfortable because you do not understand their foundation as a person, who they are, is rude and uncivilized. Making people the butt of your jokes to give you thirty seconds of praise and a laugh is demeaning and disrespectful.

We need to come together and unite against a common enemy. If he is not your enemy, then try and look towards the future and ask yourself, Is this the man you want to be behind the controls of our nation? Do you really think that is a good idea? Do you think a man who made a name for himself based on inherited wealth and the ability to get out on top of bankruptcy should be the next President of the United States? To those who say maybe we just need a Trump to shake things up for the rest of the United States to rally behind a Bernie candidate the next time. Really? You think Trump won't burn some bridges that have been long fought for? You think Donald Trump is mature enough to handle the kind of power that the President of the United States wields? I do not.

The beauty of our system is that despite my views, my voice and others, you get to decide. Each voice matters, beyond the loudest speaker, your voice matters. Think carefully about that please before you cast your vote. Remember who the real enemy is, do your homework and do not believe the headlines, dig deeper. In the age of Google, it is not that hard to get to the proper sources.  Think before you vote, please.


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