Headlines are Never the Whole Truth
My fear for our country is not at out of malice towards the other guy, but what I see for the future of my beloved United States should the Donald become the President of this once great land. Ironically his tag line is "Make America Great Again." I am sorry, but what America was he living in at the close of the Bush Administration? I graduated from a State University in 2008 when the market bottomed out; I could not find work in my field for years. However, I do not blame Obama because he inherited it from the tax slashing and war mongering George W. Bush. Without taxation we can not, as a government, pay our bills, provide for the disabled, the elderly, or the greatest of us our Veterans. That is why we have taxes, nevermind rebuilding roads, bridges, and other critical areas of our infrastructure, but taxation is a necessary evil of any government, in particular for the greatest military and diplomatic country in the world. I re...