Perspective: COVID-19
For many people this virus is an elusive beast the media keeps blaring at us, we haven't seen it beyond the visuals of our screens and yet we fear it. It's real, it's killing, and unfortunately, 2/3 people (including me) in my house are lumped into the "immuno-compromised" bracket of the population. That's okay, we listen and do what we need to do, but when others threaten my safety and the safety of my family I'm filled with that kind of anxiety that just does not pass.
Now, the rationale person listens to the weather in the morning and prepares their umbrella, parka, galoshes, sandals, or whatever the day might necessitate.
Then there's the other end of the stick, that hear it's going to rain and still, they wear what they would have worn regardless and hope for the best or just say "Fuck it" and move forward.
I am the first, I prepare to a point where it might seem insane to others. I live in Ohio, I have a rational leader in the seat of Governor and his well-chosen Health Director, an actual doctor, and they have from the beginning of this Pandemic given reasonable information and passed reasonable, difficult yes, but completely necessary measures to do what they can to combat against this virus.
Then there are people that are more concerned about their "liberties" that they refuse to hear common sense and rather basic scientific evidence and dismiss the need for shutdowns, mask-wearing, and general social distancing. Not realizing what it is they are trying to prevent. To slow the progression of this disease and try and let science catch up and eliminate it. Yes, it's fine for some who acquire the disease, less than a cold for some even, then there's a very real struggle between life and death for others.
Let me give you some perspective, I have had past experience watching my son fight to survive in the NICU, and late last year watched my husband fight his way through Chemo and achieve remission and then go through a much worse dose of chemo and radiation to prepare his body for a Bone Marrow Transplant. Let me tell you, those seasons of my life were no cakewalk, my husband is a beast and made it through something many do not, and fortunately, I got to be with him as much as I reasonably could during that time while also being home every night for our Son. It was awful and I would not wish this experience on anyone.
Part of the experience of a Bone Marrow Transplant is that anytime you get a fever 100.4 or higher you are required to come into the hospital. We've done this about 3 times prior to the pandemic, dropped out son off at my parents and I held his hand through the worse of it. Flash forward to April 2020, he spiked another fever, accompanied by a cough, general cold symptoms, and what we assumed was a recurrence of his pneumonia. Our hospital had completely shut down to All Visitors. So my sweet husband had to go into the ER for a COVID test, wait by himself, and finally, they decided to admit him for a few days to figure out what the issue was once the test came back negative.
On my end, which I'll admit was far less tortuous, I had to wait to hear all alone, because its a Pandemic and I can't permit my son to go to my parents to seek solace, I had to drive home and wait alone trying to hold it together missing the love of my life and wondering if it is COVID if I'll ever see him again because his body is still recovering from the necessary poisons that readied his body for the transplant and now this horrible illness is out there.
We were lucky, in a few days they determined it was the 3rd recurrence on pneumonia and they put him on stronger antibiotics and he came home to us. Many many people are not as fortunate as we have been. This disease means a lonely battle in the hospital with overworked personnel, no family, and only your phone to keep you occupied and connected to your loved ones. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Scientists are telling you what precautions you ought to take, to keep yourself and others around you safe, why the hell would you think, Nah I don't want to? Why? I don't get it and I don't get the ridiculous, idiotic and self-centered leadership stemming from the White House at this time. Compassion should triumph over your ridiculous notion that the scientist is all lying to you. It's ridiculous, its not new information. Masks do stop droplets and depleted the speed of other airborne particles.
Safety first kids.
Now, the rationale person listens to the weather in the morning and prepares their umbrella, parka, galoshes, sandals, or whatever the day might necessitate.
Then there's the other end of the stick, that hear it's going to rain and still, they wear what they would have worn regardless and hope for the best or just say "Fuck it" and move forward.
I am the first, I prepare to a point where it might seem insane to others. I live in Ohio, I have a rational leader in the seat of Governor and his well-chosen Health Director, an actual doctor, and they have from the beginning of this Pandemic given reasonable information and passed reasonable, difficult yes, but completely necessary measures to do what they can to combat against this virus.
Then there are people that are more concerned about their "liberties" that they refuse to hear common sense and rather basic scientific evidence and dismiss the need for shutdowns, mask-wearing, and general social distancing. Not realizing what it is they are trying to prevent. To slow the progression of this disease and try and let science catch up and eliminate it. Yes, it's fine for some who acquire the disease, less than a cold for some even, then there's a very real struggle between life and death for others.
Let me give you some perspective, I have had past experience watching my son fight to survive in the NICU, and late last year watched my husband fight his way through Chemo and achieve remission and then go through a much worse dose of chemo and radiation to prepare his body for a Bone Marrow Transplant. Let me tell you, those seasons of my life were no cakewalk, my husband is a beast and made it through something many do not, and fortunately, I got to be with him as much as I reasonably could during that time while also being home every night for our Son. It was awful and I would not wish this experience on anyone.
Part of the experience of a Bone Marrow Transplant is that anytime you get a fever 100.4 or higher you are required to come into the hospital. We've done this about 3 times prior to the pandemic, dropped out son off at my parents and I held his hand through the worse of it. Flash forward to April 2020, he spiked another fever, accompanied by a cough, general cold symptoms, and what we assumed was a recurrence of his pneumonia. Our hospital had completely shut down to All Visitors. So my sweet husband had to go into the ER for a COVID test, wait by himself, and finally, they decided to admit him for a few days to figure out what the issue was once the test came back negative.
On my end, which I'll admit was far less tortuous, I had to wait to hear all alone, because its a Pandemic and I can't permit my son to go to my parents to seek solace, I had to drive home and wait alone trying to hold it together missing the love of my life and wondering if it is COVID if I'll ever see him again because his body is still recovering from the necessary poisons that readied his body for the transplant and now this horrible illness is out there.
Scientists are telling you what precautions you ought to take, to keep yourself and others around you safe, why the hell would you think, Nah I don't want to? Why? I don't get it and I don't get the ridiculous, idiotic and self-centered leadership stemming from the White House at this time. Compassion should triumph over your ridiculous notion that the scientist is all lying to you. It's ridiculous, its not new information. Masks do stop droplets and depleted the speed of other airborne particles.
Safety first kids.